TimeTravelTrek is a travel blog for people who like uncovering bits and pieces of the past – especially if it involves a bike, hike or paddle to get there! We inspire active travellers like you with tempting glimpses of off-the-beaten path destinations and then provide all the details you need to explore yourself.
All About TimeTravelTrek
Hello, hello! I’m Megan – freelance writer and chief creator at TimeTravelTrek. I started writing over 20 years ago when I left a career in interpretation. No, I’m not a translator. I worked with the Alberta Parks Service helping visitors appreciate the natural and cultural history of the area. My first big story was a drama-in-real-life rescue for Reader’s Digest Canada. After that, I created hundreds of articles – mainly travel-related – for dozens of markets.
And then I needed a change. So I switched gears and wrote close to 90 non-fiction, educational books for kids. A few years ago, I started dabbling in blogging and decided I wanted to swing the writing pendulum in that direction full time. It’s been a steep learning curve, but I’m focussing on my passions – travel, history and outdoor adventures.
And that’s where the name TimeTravelTrek comes in! History = time, travel = well…travel, and trek = outdoor adventures.
I’m also obsessed with active travel, the great outdoors, and finding historic gems along the way. I also love sharing these adventures with you so that you can get out and check them out for yourselves. Along with my travel cohort and gear guru Brad, we have a passion for helping active travellers find unique places to explore.
Brad Kopp – my favourite outdoor adventure partner – is a resourceful trip planner, route finder, gear minder and occasional photographer. He was also one of the park rangers involved in that first big story I mentioned above. Brad left the park service for the fire department before retiring to play more!
Together been exploring this little blue globe for over 36 years. Our first trip took us backpacking through the South Pacific, New Zealand and Australia. It was a six-month honeymoon. We figured if we could survive six months in a tent, we’d make it through life together. So far, so good! Over the years, we’ve graduated from tent to tiny travel trailer to the occasional “luxury” trip. But we still enjoy multi-day backpacking and paddling adventures.
Adventure On!
When people ask us what our favourite trip, we hesitate. How can we possibly choose? There’s the adventure of exploring ancient slope side amphitheatres in southern Turkey. Or how about trekking in the footsteps of the Cheechako’s during the Yukon Gold Rush. What about staying at an historic lodge while on safari in Kenya. Maybe it’s standing in a hidden canyon in southern Utah gazing up at prehistoric ruins. Discovering Peru’s Machu Picchu was magical. But then again, there’s the perfect getaway setting up the trailer in Kananaskis Country for a weekend of outdoor adventure with friends?
Every adventure, every ruin, every snippet of history we uncover helps tell a story. Trip by trip, thread by thread, we are slowly weaving a tapestry of active and historic travel around the globe.
Our travel trailer often provides a home base for outdoor adventures – so expect a little RV time at TimeTravelTrek. I also love sharing tips on what works and what doesn’t along the way! Expect real-life – not AI – advice and tips from hours spent outdoors and out and about on active adventures.
Our goal at TimeTravelTrek is to inspire you to canoe a river, fly with your mountain bike or hike back in time. We also provide the tools and knowledge you need to do it!
We enjoy travel in Canada, throughout the United States, into Mexico and occasionally over to EuropeandAsia. You can search the blog for even more great content by Destinations or by type of Active Travel or by using the menu bar above. What are you waiting for? The inspiration for your next trip could be waiting inside! Dig in, read a post or 10, and start planning your next adventure.
We also offer valuable, one-of-a-kind printable products that help you plan, journal, and adventure on! If you are planning to travel with your RV, want to visit cultural sites in Arizona, or would like to record your hiking adventures – you’re going to want to visit TimeTravelTrek’s Etsy shop.
I hope TimeTravelTrek inspires you get out and explore more – adventure on!